Saturday, 8 June 2013


So you want to be a model?

Do you dream of having your face on the front page of Vogue or strutting down the catwalks of Milan, Paris and London?

Well lets face it, that would be a dream come true, but not many models make it to the top.

However many freelance models make a great living and never step foot on the catwalk. We can show you how to break into the world of freelance modelling.

Here are our top 3 tips for aspiring Models.

1)   Discover what type of model you could be.  Don’t aim for high fashion if you are only 5 foot 3.  You need to know your market and target the right brands.  London School of Models will show you how to do this.

2)   Set yourself realistic goals.  You may want to be on the front cover of Vogue tomorrow, but realistically that is not likely to happen. Aim for something achievable and then when you achieve it set your goals higher. This will give you a massive sense of accomplishment and keep you striving for more.

3)   Get yourself a good portfolio.  This is your tool to sell yourself with and will help you stand out from your competition.  The London School of Modelling can show you how to create the best portfolio for you.

 For more tips and advice click here:



For any aspiring model, it can be a mindfield out there.  Its important to have your feet on the ground and know what your goals are. 
Here are our tips for freelance models:

1) When applying for a casting, check out the credentials of the casting director.  What experience have they got? What kind of modelling work have they been involved in before? If you are not happy with the answers don't apply for the job. 

2) ASK QUESTIONS!! As a freelance model you are entitled to ask as many questions as you like. If you are signed to an agency your agent will ask these for you.   So if you are going it alone without an agent (which is fine as long as you stay safe and do your research) then its up to you to ask the questions about the shoot. Willl there be professional makeup artists there or do you need to take your own makeup?  Same for a stylist? Are you expected to take your own clothes? What kind of shoot is it? Where will it be, what is the fee and are expenses covered? BE IN THE KNOW! You do not want to turn up to a job and find out that you would rather not take part when it is too late. 

3) It's ok to work for free.  When you start your career as a model - you may be asked to work for free. Unpaid jobs are ok and will get you experience. But set yourself a limit. Agree to work for a year on paid and unpaid jobs and then after you feel your experience has grown, then you can turn down unpaid work. But until such a times that you are experienced then don't be too proud to work for free. All top models have to start somewhere. 


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